Sunday, July 8, 2007

Transferring Files Between Two Computers Using a Direct Cable Connection (Parallel or Serial)

HP and Compaq Desktop PCs - Transferring Files Between Two Computers Using a Direct Cable Connection (Parallel or Serial)
Security level: Public
This document explains how to network two computers together using a serial cable or a special parallel transfer cable. A serial null-modem (rs-232), male-to-male ECP parallel transfer cable, or infra red are the only types of connections used by the direct cable connection software.

Depending on the version of Windows that is installed on the computer, use one of the sections below to connect and share files between two computers.

NOTE: This document does not cover networking two computers using a network crossover cable, which is done by connecting the crossover cable to two network interface cards (NICs), setting unique IP addresses on each PC, and then setting both computers to use same workgroup name.

Connecting in Windows XP
Use the following steps for both computers to set up a direct cable connection and transfer files:

NOTE: Before performing the following steps, disconnect the PC from the Internet and temporarily disable any firewall software that may be running. To disable Norton Personal Firewall, right-click on the small system tray icon next to the time and select disable. Make sure to re-enable the firewall after you are done transferring files.

Right-click a folder that has the files for copying, and select Sharing. If Sharing is not shown, use the following steps to enable File and Print Sharing and then try again:

Click Start, and then Control Panel.

Click Network and Internet Connections, and then Network Connections.

Right-click Local Area Connection and select Properties.

Click the Install button, select Services, and click the Add button.

Select File and Print Sharing, and click OK.

Click OK after File and Print sharing is installed and restart the computer.

Click Start, Control Panel, and then double-click Network Connections.

Click Create a new connection, and then click Next.

Click Set up an advanced connection, and then click Next.

Click Connect directly to another computer, and click Next.

Select one of the following options:

Host: The computer that has the files you want to copy.

Guest: The computer that is going to copy the files.

Click the connection device that you want to use for this connection (a parallel port, serial port, or infrared), and then click Next.

For the host computer, select the account names that you want to allow access. Click the Add button to add the account names from the other computer to the list. Click OK when done.

For the guest computer, type the host computer name and click OK. Find the host computer name by going to the host computer and clicking Start, right-clicking My Computer, selecting Properties, and clicking the Computer Name tab.

Click Finish and restart the computer.

Set up a workgroup on both computers by doing the following:

Click Start and then right-click My Computer.

Select Properties, and click the Computer Name tab.

Click the Change button and type a name that is easy to remember into the Workgroup field. Type the exact same workgroup name for both computers.

If both computers have the same Computer name, then a type a different computer name for one of them.

Click OK and restart the computer.

Each computer now appears inside View Workgroup Computers when performing Network Tasks. Each can be used to share files. Right-click the folders that you want to share and select Sharing to make the folders appear in the other computers networking window.

Connecting in Windows 98 and Me
Use the following steps for both computers to set up a direct cable connection and transfer files:

Right-click a folder that has the files for copying, and select Sharing. If Sharing is not shown, use the following steps to enable File and Print Sharing and then try again:

Right-click My Network places on the Windows desktop and select Properties

Click the Add button, select Services, and click the Add button.

Select File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks, and click OK.

Click OK after File and Print sharing is installed and restart the computer.

Right-click My Network Places on the Windows desktop and select Properties

Click the File and Print Sharing button, select I want to be able to give others access to my files, click OK, and then OK again.

Click Start, Settings, and then Control Panel.

Double-click Add, Remove Programs .

Click the Windows Setup tab, select Communications, and click the Details button.

Select Direct Cable Connection, click OK, and then click OK again.

Click Start, Programs, Accessories, Communication, and then Direct Cable Connection.

Select one of the following options:

Host: The computer that has the files you want to copy.

Guest: The computer that is going to copy the files.

Click the connection device that you want to use for this connection (a parallel port, serial port, or infrared), and then click Next.

Click Finish and restart the computer.

Set up a workgroup on both computers by doing the following:

Right-click My Network places on the Windows desktop and select Properties

Click the Identification tab.

Type a name that is easy to remember into the Workgroup field. Type the exact same workgroup name for both computers.

If both computers have the same computer name, then a type a different computer name for one of them.

Click OK and restart the computer.

Double-click My Network Places from the desktop, and then double-click Entire Windows Network to view and copy files.

Related support
Microsoft Support Article 188167: Unable to Connect Using Direct Cable Connection (in English)

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